Thursday, August 25, 2011

Master of the Letort

I have to say, until recently, I didn't give Ed Shenk's patterns much respect.  The sculpin looked to realistic and ridgid for my tastes, I'm more of an impressionist, and the minnow looked too plain even for me.  As you might be able to tell from my recent posts I was completely wrong about these two flys.  They both slay fish.  On the sculpin I have caught bass and carp.  A few of the carp have gone three or more feet out of their way to eat it.  I have yet to try it in trout infested waters, but I have no doubt they would find it tasty as well.  On the minnow I have absolutely hammered smallmouth all summer long.  It has also caught me some rubberlips and a trout.  Ed Shenk is called the master for a reason.


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